Why platforms are superior to building your own digital solutions for visitor experiences

It’s no secret that every destination wants to take part in the digital era. The problem is - it is extremely expensive to build digital solutions… and it takes time. A lot of time. Not to mention the maintenance costs. This is the reason we still see old paper maps being used at destinations - the alternative is simply too expensive. That is, until now. We believe that every destination - no matter how small - should be able to provide modern visitor experience without spending a fortune. In this article, we discuss the benefits of using a platform over developing your own digital solutions.

Why should your destination join Reveel?

By creating a platform that suits many different destinations, for example museums, churches, hotels, cities, UNESCO-sites and many more. Reveel has made it extremely affordable and easy for your destination. With a small monthly fee your destination has every tool that they may need for digitalization. It’s important for destinations to give out up to date and correct information, with Reveels´ platform every visitor can enjoy this information in their own language. This is one of the reasons why your destination should not develop its own digital solution.

To put it short - Reveel costs a fraction of the cost of developing your own digital solution. We focused on creating a platform through which destinations and attractions (such as UNESCO-sites, museums, cities, churches or other organizations) can turn their paper maps into digital, interactive guidebooks. As the platform is ready to go, we can say goodbye to the hundreds of thousands that it would normally cost to digitalize visitor experiences. In addition, developing your own solution takes time and focus away from your other duties. We usually say:

Let us at Reveel focus on the development and maintenance, so that your destination can focus on the content being provided to your visitors”

We at Reveel work very closely with all of our customers, as it helps us improve and make changes that make our platform even better as a whole. The thing is: the success of a happy visitor is shared between our partner and ourselves.

As Reveel is a platform that works in many types of destinations, the visitor can enjoy using Reveel multiple times. They may even find information about your destination through the platform, which could otherwise have been missed. In addition to this, we learn from all of our partners, which then allows improvements to be implemented for everyone. The platform improves day by day.

Problems with building own solution

Another vast problem when building your own solution is that visitors do not want to download different apps at every place they visit. In other words, even if a destination has developed a beautiful digital solution, there may be some reluctance from visitors to use it if they can only use it in one place.

Earlier, we discussed the expenses related to developing your own digital solutions. Another important thing to remember is that the expenses don’t stop after the solution is built. Maintaining a specific solution can also be extremely costly, and if worse comes to worst, destinations may have to shut down the project after a while. The bottom line is, we do not want to see this happen, and that’s why we are here. Let’s take away the headache from digitalization and take steps towards the future together.

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